Guide to the Unknown 301: Curse of the BLAIR WITCH


Or rediscover it?

This week the Blair Witch Project party continues, specifically with the last of the original material released in 1999:

Curse of the Blair Witch was an hour-long “documentary” that aired on the SciFi channel BEFORE the movie even came out!

Sticks and Stones was a short bonus doc created exclusively for Blockbuster, which itself went missing, didn’t it?

Amazingly, even the SOUNDTRACK is written as a piece of lore, and for some reason a stack of trading cards provides some exclusive info! What a wild franchise.

But we know what you’re really here for: The Scooby Doo project was a Cartoon Network special that NAILED the Blair-Witchy vibes!!

Now go make sure you dive into our Blair Witch Project commentary track!

[And go download Blackwood, Earth Break, and The Long Hallway]

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